Brianna Christina Constantine
Orange County, CA
Bri is a FIDM/ Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising student, she is currently studying the Merchandising and Buying program for her B.A. Bri received her A.A. in June for her study in the Arts and Visual Communications. As a visual communications graduate she specializes in computer rendering, design installation, fashion styling, trend forecasting and visual merchandising. Bri strives to make her mark in the fashion industry, filling it with visually pleasing aesthetics and styling, in merchandising as well as e-commerce. She is endlessly driven to put her skills and knowledge to work and be the best she can be. Bri envisions so many possibilities in this industry and is determined to bring her visions to life.
Bri will be accepting internships and creative opportunities in the fashion industry following graduation in June 2019, while studying for her Bachelor's degree in Merchandising and Buying.